Ubuntu (ùbúntú): a South African ethic or ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. Rough translation in English: "humanity towards others" .... "I am because we are." ... "The belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity." This is our journey to discover what the word truly means - to live it, experience it and then share it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Care Graduates 8 Boys from its 3rd Khuthaza Programme!!

Friday, 21 September we watched a record 8 boys graduate from our 3rd Khuthaza Rehab Programme. These boys were all living on the streets until 3 months ago - and now they are living in a home in South of Durban and being kids again!! This is a very popular song "Jerusalem" that the boys performed for their guests at the graduation. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

iThemba Lethu

Check out the iThemba Lethu website! This is the organisation that I am going to be full-time with as of 1 OCt. I am taking on the Youth Team Leader role where I will be working with our 4 Youth Team workers and 2 Parent workers. We work into the informal settlement of Cato Manor in an effort to educate children and assist parents in making wise life decisions, specifically around HIV/AIDS awareness. Stay tuned for more info...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Jesse's Birthday

Friday, 31 August a few friends gathered to give Jess a surprise party. First one ever and he was so surprised! We had such a good time!