Ubuntu (ùbúntú): a South African ethic or ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. Rough translation in English: "humanity towards others" .... "I am because we are." ... "The belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity." This is our journey to discover what the word truly means - to live it, experience it and then share it.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Reptile adventures!

In March we selected ten children directly off of the streets for our second Khutaza Rehab programme, just like our first programme we had a few boys abscond in the beginning (due to addictions and the inability to stay in a structured atmosphere), but today we have six very committed boys that are doing incredibly well! Jess and I had the opportunity to take them to the Snake Park last weekend – it was an entertaining day (especially for those of us who hate snakes!!)!