Ubuntu (ùbúntú): a South African ethic or ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. Rough translation in English: "humanity towards others" .... "I am because we are." ... "The belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity." This is our journey to discover what the word truly means - to live it, experience it and then share it.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Circus Circus

23 June - Christy and a crew of care workers had the chance to take 30 kids to the circus. 9 of the boys were the I Care graduates and the others were from a community in Newlands that we are working in. It was so much fun to watch their faces. It was a charity day so there were about 1,000 children who wouldnt normally get a chance to see the circus.

Men in their element

The weekend of 16 June Jess had an incredible opportunity to go with 30 guys from our church to Game Reserve about 3 hours from Durban. They had proper male bonding (while I got to bond with the girls in Durbs), ate lots, drank lots of coffee, and scared a leopard out of the bush!

Bafana Bafana & Bunny Chow

What's more African than a "football" game with friends? On 2 June we hit up Kings Park Stadium with my D.C. friend Kristin (who was in town for the weekend) and Jesse's pal Reggie.

Afterwards we enjoyed proper Durban food - Bunny Chow and Rotti's (my stomach was not happy when we finished our feast!)