Ubuntu (ùbúntú): a South African ethic or ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. Rough translation in English: "humanity towards others" .... "I am because we are." ... "The belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity." This is our journey to discover what the word truly means - to live it, experience it and then share it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

1 Year Anniversary!

We started our anniversary weekend with a few friends on the beach for a small ceremony and then Jess took us away for an incredible weekend 5 hours south on the beach!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

#7 Gordonstoun - BEFORE

Below are photos of the tiny flat we are in the process of purchasing... stay tuned for AFTER pictures. (Give us about 2 months!) NOTE: furniture is NOT ours!!! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Psalm 91:12: The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God, they shall bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

This last year has been an uphill climb for Jess and I, learning how to be married, trying to understand where God wants us (in Law School? In South Africa? In Europe? In the U.S? What church to be involved in? ...etc), trying to live without fear of crime, and finding peace and contentment in where we are. In the beginning of May, Jess and I both felt that a new season was heading our way. We were involved in a church in Durban North but had not found our family and a support network there, as hard as we tried to press in. And having little family and friends in South Africa has been felt in the hard road we've traveled. Jess had gone through a few phone interviews for jobs based in Europe and from our previous time of waiting to hear from Columbia University we still hadn't "settled" in Durban. Something was missing. And personally, I wasn't ready to accept Durban as home – just a temporary place we were living. However, from the stirring in our hearts, we began to be surrounded by new friends that were speaking such wisdom into our situation. We found ourselves at a new church in mid-May through a friend of ours, and we found our home! The first service we were there the pastor spoke the verse above "to someone" in the congregation. We knew it was for us. That same theme had been spoken over us and to us many times leading up to that service – that God wants to "plant us" in the house of the Lord and in the local church in Durban. Since that time we have been overwhelmingly blessed with friends and new family that are walking with us through all the joys and struggles we have faced. We are in a time where God is blessing us incredibly in the most amazing ways... But at the same time we have felt an incredible "attack" from satan as we are walking with God in this place.

In May Jess was "attempted" mugged walking down the street from his work – the guys were after his cell phone but ended up letting Jess just walk away. (That never happens around here!) Jess was out camping with a group of guys a few weeks ago and was bit by a tick and came down with "tick bite fever" – which made him very ill, put him off of work and in bed for a week! A few weeks ago I went for a check-up and after some studies came back was told that I would need to go in to the hospital for minor surgery. I was scared out of my mind to have to go into the hospital after the scary stories I've been hearing lately. But I was in the best hospital around – and yesterday was in and out in the same day! So many other little "hectic" things have been coming at us and at times I must admit I've become so overwhelmed. But I have been encouraged by the book of Ephesians this week – that in God's grace, His riches, we should not have a spirit of fear for He has chosen us for where we are and can work "all things to the counsel of His will".

At the end of May our lease was up on the place we were staying, since feeling that we should "plant" here in Durban, we began looking to buy a flat instead of continuing to rent, and we saw God's incredible hand in that. Last week we signed documents for our very own tiny piece of property located in Durban in a small apartment complex. Even though I am married to a South African – getting a 100% bond was going to be a miracle because they are making it very difficult for foreigners to buy land in South Africa. The day after we were notified and confirmed that we received a 108% bond (so that we could do renovations) all banks were notified that they were only to give 50% bond to all foreigners! What timing!!

At the end of May we put our trust in God and two weeks before we were to move, with no where to go, some new friends called us and asked if we could house sit their flat for the month of June! We put everything but clothes in storage and have since been living freely as doors open for us. Just a few weeks before the end of June, other friends asked if we could house sit for two weeks and following that we stayed with other friends for a few weeks. Two weeks ago, another friend told us to come stay in his big place – when we came to check it out he showed us his "granny flat" in the garden and said no one was there now but he was going to start renting it out. We offered to rent it from him until we could officially move into our new place. So that is where we are now and its a perfect fit until we move into our own place.

Another big change came last week, when there was a decision for me to take on a new role here in Durban. Starting next week, I will be working part time with iThembalethu, an organisation started by ou
r church, Glenridge, that works into a specific area on HIV/AIDS prevention in schools as well as runs a Baby's Home for HIV affected babies. I have been asked to manage and lead their youth workers. This means I will assist with HIV/AIDS prevention programmes into the schools. The model they are using is an incredible model that is being set up to be replicated throughout South Africa! I will continue working with street children for the next few months but starting 1 October I will be full time into the prevention side and working specifically into schools. I have been doing much research on street children and the "push factors" and really feel that this is an area I want to invest in! With the terrible statistics we are reading about, South Africa is going to have millions of more orphans in the next few years – pushing more kids to the streets. If we can grab these kids in school and in communities before they hit the streets there is a better chance we can give them a brighter future!

Jess has been very busy at work the last few months! I am very proud of him with all that he has been juggling. He has had two very big research projects that he has managed alone – one for a government agency and the other for an NGO on securities studies taking a look at fraud in the government. Very interesting projects!

We have been praying very hard for a second vehicle! Since our car second car was stolen in January we've been sharing one car! It's been quite a challenge and a juggling act at time with our work schedules. We are hoping to be able to start looking for another vehicle in a few months – once we get settled into our new place. God continues to bless us so we know if its in His plans we'll have one soon! And, sadly, we have no foreseeable plans to be back in the U.S. anytime soon! :( That's a very sad thought! So if anyone is looking for a warm destination to visit – we'll have a spare bedroom from October onward!!! Come visit!

August is a very exciting month for us - we celebrate our 1 year anniversary on the 26th! Time has flown by and we cant believe its already been a year! We are looking forward to a very exciting year ahead (no! no babies for another few years!!) as we settle into our own home and continue to walk in faith here in Durban!

In the midst of all that I mention above God has given us peace and we've been able to latch on to that and know that we are right where He wants us! Please pray for us when you think about it – and pray for peace in the midst of circumstances!

Thank you for your continued support!! We love and miss you and pray for all of you!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

True African Sighting... Elephant on the side of the road!!!

(look carefully behind the "robot" (light) on the left)