the move, the monkeys, and other movements
We are so sorry for the delay in updating this blog! We have been running ever since we touched down in Durban in September. Life has been a whirlwind – here are a few pics to show you what we’ve been up to.
The last week of September I took the GRE and Jesse took the LSAT in Johannesburg. We had been studying during every free moment after we returned from our honeymoon. We celebrated on the way back to Durban with a quick overnight in the Drakensburg (same area we were engaged). After returning, we worked hard on our applications to Columbia and had them in by the first week of November.

At the end of October Mom and Dad Risner came out for a short visit. It was great to show them the work we’ve been a part of and the city we call home.
Immediately after they left we began the process of moving into our own flat in the Morningside area of Durban. (We were living in Mom and Dad McConnells house while they were in the U.S.) During that move we also helped Mom and Dad packing up their home and placing their things in storage while they remain in the U.S. November and December have been non-stop with the many “settling in” activities!
Check out our lovely new place with an amazing view of the city and ocean:

Just two weeks before leaving for the holidays Jess and I were able to steal away in the midst of our crazy schedule and drive 2 hours North to St. Lucia and camp out on the beach… With little time to pack it was quite an adventure as we realized the little things we forgot to pack (ahem… like soap). And I had my first true camping experience in South Africa by fighting off monkeys from totally invading our camp (they punched a hole in our tent and stole our bread rolls!).

In December Jess received a promotion with DRA and is now Senior Researcher – check out what DRA is doing at - he is a part of some incredible research projects in development throughout Southern Africa!
December 13th we boarded a plane U.S.-bound and arrived on the 14th into Ft. Meyers Florida for Curtis McConnell (Jess’ brother) and the beautiful Brittany Betzer’s wedding. It was a lovely wedding!

December 18th we boarded yet another flight - this time to Southern California - to spend time with close friends. We spent a majority of our time with Mike & Faith Beals, close friends of Jess (and me now)! It was an incredible time to just be with friends. We even lucked out and had a perfect day of sailing with Toby & Darci Schriber (former employers of Jess who became lasting friends) and the Beals!

On December 23rd we headed east and made it to Erie in time for Christmas with theMcConnells and Risners. Even the newest McConnell newlyweds and the latest Risner kid (Natalie that’s you!) made it out! It was such a great time with family!