Ubuntu (ùbúntú): a South African ethic or ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. Rough translation in English: "humanity towards others" .... "I am because we are." ... "The belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity." This is our journey to discover what the word truly means - to live it, experience it and then share it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Rugby Super 14 & Volunteering

Jess & I managed to score a good deal when we had the chance to go to the history making Rugby Super 14 game with Durban's Sharks vs. the Bulls. Literally in the last second the Bulls won. (Note the sad faces...especially Jess'!)

Following the game we worked alongside I Care and Feedback volunteers to collect left over food from the 200+ Suites in the stadium and take it directly to shelters in the area. Check out how much food gets left behind!!!


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